I have been working on getting the framework done for the new features I want for the website and fixing some of the dumb stuff I had as place holders. Still not done, but happy with some of the progress.
What I received in feed back from customers was navigation on the store, difficulty finding product and such. So my solution is to put multiple paths to find what you are looking for. At the top of the page are categories based on what you have. Not completely finished with them at this point. What I intend is a bit of information, history and links in each and everyone of those by make and year model.
I will also be working on updating and adding new product. So far I’m pretty happy with the new Theme Plugin from www.woothemes.com . Those guys have been more than helpful getting me going after my crash.
Soon we will have some project updates too. We currently have three full on turn-key projects. The 53 GMC is painted. Thank you Cam at Fury in Color! Rick’s 40 Plymouth is making progress, and we took possession of Bob’s 1964 Ford pickup. Look for pictures of that one soon, it’s really eye catching (in a good way!)
I’m new to ICI however being a Mopar Guy I’ve always wonder why nobody ever thought to use the Dakota front suspension on a kit for people like me. I’m building a 1936 Plymouth driver car and it will be all Mopar car so what I’m wonding is have you come up come with a front crossmember that would work for my application on my 36 can’t find one anyplace and I won’t use the Mustang II lol let know if you have anything I don’t see thanks
Keep up the good work
I understand your desire to “keep the bloodline pure” that’s just not our focus.
I would not use the Dakota parts on something as early, light and narrow as your ’36. The Dakota has a track width of 61″ and requires at least 2000+ pound over the front axle to ride correctly. Your car most likely will require a 56″ track width (6″ narrower) and will only have some 1300-1600 pounds on the front axle. Older cars such as yours typically have a near 50/50 weight split or may be slightly heavier in the front but usually no more than two or three percent difference. Most trucks have close to 60% or more on the front wheels. The way the Dakota is designed, if fitted to your car not only would the wheels be sticking out of the fenders, you would have some substantial understeer.
I would honestly consider using Mustang II suspension. There is information on this site regarding the suspension. I am also working on an E-book to help people tune and adjust the suspension to get the most out of their installation.