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New to the site? having issues with placing an order?

Had someone tell me they were having an issue and not able to place an order. They were using Internet Explorer 10 (IE 10.0) and when they hit “add to cart” a popup window opened and just stalled.

If you register an account with my website; name, email and a password, then go back to the store everything should work just fine.


If you find any more bugs, please let me know!

5 thoughts on “New to the site? having issues with placing an order?

  1. I can’t pay for my order of the dakota crossmember through either chrome or IE. After I enter my checkout information, it tries to go to Paypal, but displays the following error – “Error detected, your shopping cart is empty”.

    1. Going through the steps right now.

  2. It appears that there is nothing in the title for the dakota IFS – – and it shows up in my cart without a title under the “Product” column. Could this be causing the problem?

    Love to buy one of your crossmembers – the design looks solid.

    1. If I can’t fix it tonight, you can call tomorrow morning toll free or if you email my your phone number, I will call you and do a phone order.


      1. You were correct, the title was missing. Very strange…

        I have the title back in place. Should be good to go.

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