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Weekend update December 17

I have been getting quite a few calls requesting not only the bolt in Dakota based IFS kit, but to bring back the weld-in kit as well.

As you know, the economy is on shaky legs right now and everyone’s finances are in shambles and I am not immune from this. We have a few internal jobs we need to work through to get to these kits. If the response stays strong as it has I will get some motivation to build the fixtures and get this project under way.

1948-1952 Ford F1 GEN II

5 thoughts on “Weekend update December 17

  1. Steve,
    I am definitely interested in a Dakota kit if you start producing them again. Makes no difference to me if it is weld in or bolt on.

  2. I’d be interested in either series too… sadly, I have a ’55 Dodge C3 1/2 ton pickup. It’s got the funky tapering in rails (coke bottle shaped). Could either kit be made to fit?

    1. Those rails make a mail order kit difficult to build. I have done one before where I built new rails and have worked on a 54 that had a Mustang II kit on stock rails. I felt the Dakota was a bit too wide and the Mustang II was a bit too narrow. That is just an odd sized truck.

      For something that will not be lowered much the Dakota would fit well enough, but the rails need to be replaced.

  3. I’m definitely interested too, in either bolt in or weld in. I want to keep my ’54 Chrysler Town & Country all Mopar so is just what I need.

  4. I installed one of your Dakota kits in a 55 second series chevy and I’m here to tell you it was the best thing since indoor plumbing. I sold the truck, but miss it and plan on building another. I would love another weld in with fabricated arms, that way it would look as good as it works. If it ever happens, count me in. Please don’t make me use the M word.

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